- 1. To develop a comprehensive, flexible and responsive Vocational Training System.
- 2. To increase the access to formal and non-formal Vocational Training Programme.
- 3. To widen the scope of work education and life skills.
- 4. To accredit courses and institutions providing vocational education and training.
- 5. To promote international cooperation and networking in vocational education and training.
- 6. To provide quality instruction for Vocational Training.
- 7. To collect, maintain and disseminate information on Vocational Training.
- 8. To enhance the overall status of Vocational Training Programme in the country.
- 9. To perform advisory and catalytic role to facilitate effective vocational training andlearning.
- 10.To provide guidance and counseling on Vocational Education and Training to the people at large.
Our Goals
The coverage of the national policy on skill development includes the following: